5 Great Blogs About the Latest Health Breakthroughs

Best Blogs About Health Breakthroughs

  • Future Timeline Blog
  • Discover Magazine Health and Medicine Blog
  • City of Hope Breakthroughs Blog
  • Scientific American Health Blog
  • Global Health Technologies Coalition Blog

Amazing medical breakthroughs are happening around the clock and show no sign of slowing down. Here are five great picks for medical breakthroughs for students, professionals, and private citizens.

Future Timeline Blog

One of the best blogs that talk about the latest health breakthroughs is Future Timeline. What this blog lacks for in aesthetics it makes up for in health news, usually done with well-sourced articles. A quick overview of the blog showcases a dedication to medical breakthroughs and research, offering medical and public health students the opportunity to learn about their field and what they can expect from research before they enter the field. It also sources all of its information from traceable websites, meaning individuals can trace back the information to the original source.

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Discover Magazine Health and Medicine Blog

Discover Magazine is no doubt a popular destination for those interested in science, but it is also known as a gateway to news articles about breakthroughs in the health field. This blog is updated twice a day, touching on the day’s most important news articles, white papers, research, and government studies. It is also one of the most cited sites when looking at health blogs, so it makes sense to subscribe to this blog first for the most accurate information.

City of Hope Breakthroughs Blog

The Breakthroughs Blog at City of Hope is one of the best places to learn about health breakthroughs. This blog is updated several times a week with new information, including medical research, new technologies, advancements in diagnosis or treatment, and more. While City of Hope has a long history in AIDS/HIV, cancer, and diabetes, they have built their blog to discuss breakthroughs in a variety of different specializations throughout the medical field.

Scientific American Health Blog

A well-known publication in its own right, Scientific American is also the home of a network of blogs that talk about health breakthroughs. With new articles popping up nearly every day, there is a wealth of information found on this blog that will serve any student or individual who is hoping to learn about a new breakthrough. Also included among the health breakthroughs are articles on the labs and companies who engineered those breakthroughs, discussions about past and present research, and the application of some new technologies that have made it to the forefront of the field. This is an incredible network of blogs that will teach anyone how medicine, science, technology, and health go hand-in-hand to build breakthroughs.

Global Health Technologies Coalition Blog

One of the best blogs about health breakthroughs comes from GHTC, or the Global Health Technologies Coalition. This blog, known as Breakthroughs, is updated weekly and written by GHTC staff members and experts in the field. From learning about specific vaccine research to discussing nanopatch technology and it’s applications in the near future, this blog goes in-depth about one particular topic for every article. Written in a simple format, these blogs can range from short and succinct to long and informative; each article also includes sources embedded into the article to make researching the topic easier.

Health breakthroughs are often complicated, especially if an individual is only just now learning about health trends and issues. However, by subscribing to one or more of these blogs, people will find themselves well-informed about the breakthroughs that will change their healthcare tomorrow and in the future.

Check out these five great blogs about the latest health breakthroughs today to learn more about the medical field.