Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

Louisiana State University Health Sciences CenterEnvironmental studies, human behavior and analysis, the anatomy of the human body, and health policies and procedures are all essential components of the vast health sciences field. With this great array of study areas comes an excess of outstanding job opportunities that are available for professionals in hospitals, research centers, schools, mental health centers, government agencies, pharmaceutical industries, and health facilities. Most of those professionals possess a Bachelor’s Degree or a Master’s Degree in the Health Sciences from an accredited university. It is through those degrees that individuals acquire desirable salaries of up to $100,000 per year, abundant career opportunities, and occupational stability as professionals in the health sciences field.

Details of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Degree Program

As an educational facility, a medical hospital, and a research center all rolled into one institution, there is no doubt that the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center possesses outstanding opportunities for individuals who wish to pursue a degree in the health sciences. Provided below is a descriptive overview of this university and what it has to offer those motivated students.

Accreditation: The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Degree Program: The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center offers a Master’s of Science in Public Health Degree program to individuals who possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, a grade point average of 3.0, and an official Graduate Record Exam Report from an accredited school.

Specializations: Individuals who pursue the Master’s of Science in Public Health Degree program from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center are offered one of five specialization areas. These five specialization areas are as follows: Behavioral and Community Health Sciences, Biostatistics, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Epidemiology, and Health Policy and Systems Management.

Course Components: The Master’s of Science in Public Health Degree program consists of 45 to 61 semester credit hours of study. Course components include: Biostatistical Consulting, Health Program Development and Planning, Foundations of Public Health Ethics, Principles of Environmental Health, and Health Policy and Law.

Tuition Cost: Overall, the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center offers individuals relatively affordable tuition costs for its Master’s of Science in Public Health Degree program. For residents of Louisiana, the tuition cost for this program is $8,121 per year. For non-residents, the tuition cost for this program is $10,938 per year.

Financial Aid Opportunities: The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center offers individuals multiple opportunities for financial aid through its Student Financial Aid Office. These opportunities include: Institutional Scholarships and Grants, the Federal Pell Grant, Louisiana’s Tuition Opportunity Program for Students, the Go Grant, and the LSUHSC Hardship Waive.

Interesting Facts: The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center possesses one of the best obesity research centers in the World. In addition, this university provides over 75% of the health care services that are offered to Louisiana’s destitute population.

From its diverse specialization areas to its world-renowned research facility, the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center possesses some outstanding opportunities for students who wish to further their educations in the health sciences. Ultimately, it is through quality degree programs such as those offered by the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center that individuals obtain desirable, rewarding, and long-lasting careers as professionals in their field.